Issue 1: Research Festival

TADO Art Center – London Short Film Festival

TLSFF is an online community platform for young creators to show their talents, advance their careers, find partners to share their lives and gather their ideas.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Yearning for the idealised past

An essay analysing the concept of the past, nostalgia and memory.

Issue 1: Research Festival

The uncanny in three-dimensional works

An essay discussing three-dimensional work created under the influence of Donald Judd’s ‘Specific Objects’.

Issue 1: Research Festival

A Conversation about Reincarnation

Yifei Sun and Jingyu Niu discuss their research on personal secrets and the Buddhist realm. They explore confessions of past experiences, negative emotions, struggles with desires, reincarnation and future lives.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Analysis of the current situation of environmental artists

This essay proposes the idea of recycling creative consciousness, combined with the creation of personal environmental art works for analysis.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Reconstructing witches in feminism

A self-interview about my research and practice in reconstructing witches under a feminist context. Here I will discuss artists, poetry, films, operas, dances and podcasts that influenced me.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Performance as gentle resistance

This article will analyse performance art as a gentle rebellion and messages of noncooperation from the artworks by artists and non-artists.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Comfort home in games online: When play is not just about fun

An essay discussing about the game. When games are not only just screen activities for enjoyment. Point out new context that games can take. Connect people with a sense of home.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Spirituality and Poetry in Painting

An essay analysing the role of spirituality and poetry in my own painting practice and other artists’ works.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Memories of the Motherland

Video essay discussing the development of my practice through research, with personal footage filmed in Iran and documentation of my painting practice.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Digital Religion Bible

For the research festival, I wrote a book based on my central topic — the Bible of Digital religion. I hope that by spreading this Digital Religion Bible, more people can learn about digital religion.

Issue 1: Research Festival

How my paintings rebels the era of mass media and digital communication.

This essay, in the tone of a practice report, outlines the author’s artistic practice during the MA, discussing how painting was used as a weapon to resist the late capitalist, consumer, image-infested era.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Painting as a returning object

This article discusses the history of object returns, and how painting, as an object both shaped and participating in the shaping of the creator’s actions, becomes a visual representation of the tension between subject and object.

Issue 1: Research Festival


A record of immediate thoughts on the author’s own works, creative process and art from a first-person perspective; reflects on the art and artworks that the author has seen and heard with one’s consciousness which carries the author’s subjective recognition.

Issue 1: Research Festival

The connection between people and objects

For some people, objects are always given some special meaning. These objects can be people’s friends, can be a container that hold people’s memories, or can be a symbol that represent someone.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Happy Death Day: Revisiting Feminism in Abortion in the Chinese Context 

The artist seeks to explore a new perspective on abortion based on feminism. By making it possible for a wider audience to participate in the search for a new perspective on abortion, the patriarchy’s devaluation and natural stigmatisation of women who have had abortions can be dismantled.

Issue 1: Research Festival

A conversation about reincarnation

Jingyu Niu and Yifei Sun discuss their research on personal secrets and the Buddhist realm. They explore confessions of past experiences, negative emotions, struggles with desires, reincarnation and future lives.

Issue 1: Research Festival

The body in the in-between – painting the glitched body

This essay highlights different approaches to translate the body into the digital space and reflects on how this affects our understanding of this body.

Issue 1: Research Festival


Multiplicity of bodies in the space between subject and object. Sphere as allegory for an existence between internal and external, in and out. The body as globe, ball, orb, bubble, foam, etc.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Red Dots, Entropy, and Syntax

in the Textual Shoes of Sandor Krasna1 1 The name of the fictitious cameraman whose imaginary letters read by a female narrator constitute the narration of the film ‘Sans Soleil’ (1983) by Chris Marker. Part 1. Parting of Ways When we were animals, we existed in chaos of nature. The world surrounding us posed dangers […]

Issue 1: Research Festival

Bad painting appear as a phenomena

Taking “bad painting” as the phenomenon, this paper probes into my artistic methodology.

Issue 1: Research Festival

The Importance of Touch: Rubbing, Printmaking and the Expanded Field of Drawing in my Practice

This essay will discuss my research into touch as a means of exploring the world. It will talk about my practice in relation to rubbing, casting, imprints and printmaking in the expanded field of drawing.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Depicting Impermanence

A discussion on the conceptual idea and various means of depicting time in contemporary art and the artist’s own practice

Issue 1: Research Festival

The possibility of Software as life in Capitalist Ruins

Myths in digital practice: the art of self-presentation under digitalized society and the possibility of software as a kind of memory of human symbiosis.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Feminist Art in Digital Space

A talk and an essay about my research about re-architecting female‘s daily life in the digital space through performance, and using 3D cyborg to perform instead of live-action performance.