This thesis investigates how interactive narrativity within participatory arts can challenge societal power structures and foster social change, drawing upon both theoretical insights and my own practice-based research.
Tag: Digital
This essay explores the decline of ecosystems in the post-human era, outlines the author’s artistic practice during the MA, accessing digital technology to create a series of scenic fragments about ecological crisis.
An essay discussing how artists and audiences rely on works of art to complete invisible conversations.
This essay delves into the intricate relationship between art and games, critically examining their intersections, conflicts, and symbiosis in aesthetics, culture, and technology. It seeks to explore additional possibilities through a reflective approach.
This paper focuses on the flow of people’s selves into digital space as the times have moved on, and reflects on the implications of this for millennials’ self-understanding as well as suggesting new ways of thinking about it.
Digital Religion Bible
For the research festival, I wrote a book based on my central topic — the Bible of Digital religion. I hope that by spreading this Digital Religion Bible, more people can learn about digital religion.
This essay, in the tone of a practice report, outlines the author’s artistic practice during the MA, discussing how painting was used as a weapon to resist the late capitalist, consumer, image-infested era.
The artist seeks to explore a new perspective on abortion based on feminism. By making it possible for a wider audience to participate in the search for a new perspective on abortion, the patriarchy’s devaluation and natural stigmatisation of women who have had abortions can be dismantled.
This essay highlights different approaches to translate the body into the digital space and reflects on how this affects our understanding of this body.