Issue 1: Research Festival

The uncanny in three-dimensional works

An essay discussing three-dimensional work created under the influence of Donald Judd’s ‘Specific Objects’.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Painting as a returning object

This article discusses the history of object returns, and how painting, as an object both shaped and participating in the shaping of the creator’s actions, becomes a visual representation of the tension between subject and object.

Issue 1: Research Festival

The body in the in-between – painting the glitched body

This essay highlights different approaches to translate the body into the digital space and reflects on how this affects our understanding of this body.

Issue 1: Research Festival

Bad painting appear as a phenomena

Taking “bad painting” as the phenomenon, this paper probes into my artistic methodology.

Issue 1: Research Festival

The Importance of Touch: Rubbing, Printmaking and the Expanded Field of Drawing in my Practice

This essay will discuss my research into touch as a means of exploring the world. It will talk about my practice in relation to rubbing, casting, imprints and printmaking in the expanded field of drawing.