Issue 2: Making Conversation

Harmony of Verse and Mind

The study explores into the collaboration between humans and machines, exploring how they creativity come together to make interactive art in the fields of poetry language and neuroscience. By connecting these different areas, the goal is to discover new ways of artistic expression.

Bridging Human and Machine Creativity in the Context of Poetry and Neuroscience


The study explores into the collaboration between humans and machines, exploring how they creativity come together to make interactive art in the fields of poetry language and neuroscience. By connecting these different areas, the goal is to discover new ways of artistic expression. The main focus is on using artificial intelligence (AI) technology for interactive work as opposed to less enhanced AI artwork. The aim is to demonstrate that digitally enhanced work with AI and computational work can engage a broader audience with interactive art. Bringing together poetry language, and neuroscience opens up possibilities for unique and exciting experiences, encouraging viewers to interact with artwork in ways that haven’t explored before.  


Through this study, I am deepening public understanding of the complex relationship between the brain and poetry by involving unique approaches to communication. My research and installations aim to unlock the secret of this effective communication through the lens of technology. Effective communications with my audiences are fundamental aspect of my creations.

The communication intention is the intention to produce in the hearer the knowledge of the meaning by getting hearer to recognize the intention to produce in him that very effective knowledge. (Searle, 2008).

Integrating AI and technologies to create engaging works that serve an educational purpose is a key part of this research. Utilizing AI technology as muse in this creative process enables me to create works to analyse poetry through technological means. By incorporating today’s technology I bridge the gap between traditional poetry and modern audiences.

The machine intelligence is somehow different from human intelligence. Human intelligence is not all that great. Intelligence does not reside wholly inside the head or the machine, but somewhere in between – in the relationship between human and machine. (Bridle, 2022).

The study examines the potential of AI – enhanced installation in engaging broader audiences with non-AI installation through two tables.  

Interactive digital art is an art form that involves the engagement of the viewer in a way that traditional forms of art typically do not. It is a form of art that encourages community participation in unique way, shape, or form. (Cultivate, n.d.).

Literature Review

To contribute practical insights to this discussion, cross – sectional research were conducted among a diverse sample of studies.

Poetry seems to affect specific areas of the brain, depending upon the degree of emotion and the complexity of the language and ideas. In a study published in 2013 in Journal of Consciousness Studies, researchers at the UK’s University of Exeter had participants lay inside an fMRI scanner while they read various texts on a screen. The researchers found that the higher the degree of emotiveness that subjects assigned to a sample, the more activation that the scans showed in areas on the right side of the brain — many of the same ones identified in a 2001 study as being activated by music that moved listeners to feel chills or shivers down their spines.

The examples rated as more “literary,” in contrast, lit up areas mostly on the left side of the brain, including the basal ganglia, which are involved both in regulating movement and processing challenging sentences. The subjects’ favourite poems weakly activated a network in the brain  associated with reading, but strongly activated the inferior parietal lobes, an area associated with recognition.(, 2017)

This studies reported that the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) was activated during poem composition, whereas the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and parietal executive systems were deactivated (Liu et al., 2015). Other studies either focused on the constituent elements of poetry to explore the neural mechanism underlying metaphors (beauty et al., 2017), or broadened the scope of the genre to investigate the cognitive process of story composition (Perkin & Ellenbogen, 2019). A meta-analysis found that literary creativity involved simultaneous activation of the DLPFC, supplementary motor area, middle temporal gyrus (MTG; extending to the superior temporal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), lingual gyrus, para-hippocampal gyrus, and medial dorsal nucleus (Chen et al., 2020).

The study discusses an AI process developed for making art (AICAN), and the issues AI creativity raises for understanding art and artists in the 21st century and connection between machine creativity and art broadly defined as parallel to but not in conflict with human artists and their emotional and social intentions of art making. Rather, it urge a partnership between human and machine creativity when called for, seeing in this collaboration a means to maximize both partners’ creative strengths.(Mazzone and Elgammal, 2019)

Artificial intelligence continues to make its way into the mainstream and into multiple industry sectors. The arts are no exception. Over the past few years we have begun to see a wave of organizations use artificial intelligence as a method to enhance the audience experience. In particular, the use of artificial intelligence in the facilitation of audience engagement is an interesting trend in arts organizations. This report will attempt to address the role of artificial intelligence in audience engagement and provide thoughts on how artificial intelligence could be used in performing arts organization’s audience engagement today. (Cornwell, n.d.)


The aim of print installation study is to demonstrate brain stimulation when hardwired by poetry using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as scientific reference using print technique. The initial image on the left utilized by the researchers from university of Exeter, UK to map the different ways in which the human responds to poetry and prose. Following four images represent my artistic interpretation of the neuron stimulation process. In creating these visuals, I incorporated four distinct colours with the intention of closely mirroring the original MRI image.

(Maria Moradi, n.d. )
Table 1. Audience Engagement with Poetry – Neurons Installation

The 3D brain installation aims to embark on a unique creative endeavour by creating an installation that responds to the act of poetry reading. This interactive work will bring together the elements of a 3d brain sculpture, Arduino technology, and coding expertise to use Light sensor to light up two areas effected by poetry and sound sensor to trigger the area when an individual reads a poem. The 3D brain installation demonstrates the effect of reading poetry on the brain, and the aim is to encourage audiences to interact with the work. This experiment is not only showcasing the intersection of art, science, and technology but also engages viewers with the collaborative efforts of machine and human creativity.

(Maria Moradi, n.d. )
Table 2. Audience Engagement with poetry – 3D Brain and Arduino Installation

Through this interdisciplinary exploration, I aim to not only expand our understanding of the intricate connection between human cognition and machine assistance but also to create a more inclusive artistic landscape that captivates a broader audience.

The study argue that the collaboration between human creativity and machine intelligence results in a unique fusion in the creation of interactive works. In my analysis of poetry, language, and neuroscience, I strive to showcase the dynamic interplay between these elements and their collective influence on engaging a broader audience with the resulting artwork.


The study centres on the theme of poetry language and neuroscience in understanding the creative process and presenting it using AI technologies. This methodology blends traditional and contemporary elements and is designed to raise awareness and understanding of the interconnections between poetry language, neuroscience. My approach involves creative experimentation and hands-on exploration. I am not just studying these topics; I am actively creating interactive experiences that embody the themes of my research in art, science and literature through the lens of technology. Integrating technologies to create engaging works that serve an educational purpose is a key part of my methodology. By incorporating today’s technology, I bridge the gap between traditional poetry and modern audiences. My unique way of using AI and technology makes these topics more understandable and engaging, fostering a deeper appreciation for poetry and its positive effects on the brain.

Collecting information through one to one, paper and records surveys during the experimental workshop and interactive works helped me to gather valuable data regarding my research subjects and these data is useful to inform and shape my creative works and areas of interest within public in the context of power of poetry and its connection to neuroscience, human and machine creativity. Poetry is a dynamic and evolving art form ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.


In conclusion, the main goal was to find new and innovative ways to connect with audiences, both through computational art and non-interactive print installations. The aim was to demonstrate that collaborative work between human and machine can draw in a wider audience to appreciate the work. This study successfully brought together and engaged people from diverse backgrounds, sparking discussion on diverse subjects like poetry, culture, politics, fashion, AI, and digital art. This research serves as evidence that AI and computational art can significantly increase public engagement with interactive artworks. Integrating technology for educational purposes is a crucial aspect of this research, using today’s tools to bridge the gap between traditional poetry and a modern audience.


Bridle, J. (2022). Ways of being beyond human intelligence. London Allen Lane, An Imprint Of Penguin Books.

Searle, J.R. (2008). Mind, Language And Society. Basic Books.

Kuang, C., Chen, J., Chen, J., Shi, Y., Huang, H., Jiao, B., Lin, Q., Rao, Y., Liu, W., Zhu, Y., Mo, L., Ma, L. and Lin, J. (2022). Uncovering neural distinctions and commodities between two creativity subsets: A meta‐analysis of fMRI studies in divergent thinking and insight using activation likelihood estimation. Human Brain Mapping, 43(16), pp.4864–4885. doi:

Peskin, J. and Ellenbogen, B. (2019). Cognitive Processes While Writing Poetry: An Expert-Novice Study. Cognition and Instruction, 37(2), pp.232–251. doi:

Mazzone, M. and Elgammal, A. (2019). Art, Creativity, and the Potential of Artificial Intelligence. Arts, 8(1), pp.1–9. doi:

Cornwell, L. (n.d.). Using Artificial Intelligence for Audience Engagement in the Performing Arts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2023].

Cultivate. (2023). Learning about Contemporary Art: What is Interactive Art. [online] Available at: (2017). The Human Brain Is Hardwired for Poetry. [online] HowStuffWorks. Available at:

About the Author

Maria Moradi is a poet, writer and multidisciplinary artist, merging the worlds of art, science, and literature. She graduated from MA Fine Art: Computational Arts in 2023. Her work is an ongoing exploration through experimentation with various media, materials and techniques, intertwines classic techniques with modern technology, creating both interactive and non-interactive works. She firmly believe in the power of diverse styles and mediums for audiences to interpret and connect with her art uniquely.
