Issue 2: Making Conversation

Engaging, Bridging and Addressing

A wide range of discussion about what and how social documentary is being reflected through the practice of traditional and extended printmaking, which involves the aspects of concept development, critical reflection, technique employment and so on.


Paata Gogua (2018) Close-Up Video of Sea Waves, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Menteş (2019) A Flock Of Seagull Flying In The Air, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Free Videos (2017) Black And White Video Of A Busy Street, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Wu, HX, (2021) A woodcut created by Zhang Yangxi depicts political subjects, national crises and people’s suffering. Available at: Influence of masters not lost in woodcut art – SHINE News (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

南京大学新记者, (2018) 中央大学学生所作抗日宣传版画. Available at: ( Accessed: 12 October 2023)

Wikipedia, 參與五四運動學生在北京舉着國旗遊行. Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2023)

松风阁书法日讲, (2019) Woodcut print with the theme of the conflicts between people and uniformed. Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2023)

上海艺术评论, (2019) 李桦《都市的角落》20世纪30年代, 陈烟桥《都市外景》20世纪30年代, 陈烟桥《汽笛响了》1934年, 力群《鲁迅像》1936年. Available at: (Accessed: 17 October 2023)

Lynch, M. E. (2012) Li Hua’s Raging Tide – Example of Modern Woodcut Movement, Available at: (Accessed: 31 October 2023)

Wang, S, (2015) Li Hua, Roar! China, woodcut, in the collections of CAFA Art Museum, Li Hua, Help Him Come into the House as Fast as Possible, woodcut, 1947, Li Hua, Fleeing Refugees, woodcut, 1940. Available at: (Accessed: 17 October 2023)

张 船, Zhang C. (2021) 张望版画《负伤的头》,1933年. Available at: (Accessed: 31 October 2023)

中国艺术报 (2020) 饥饿 李桦. Available at: (Accessed: 31 October 2023)

Brennan, K.L. (2022) Hu Yichuan, To the Front!, 1932, woodcut, 1932, (Lu Xun Memorial, Shanghai). Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2023)

Eirene (2017) Need, (lithograph), March of the Weavers, (etching with aquatint and sandpaper). Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2023)

Jerry W. (2021) Käthe Kollwitz, In Memoriam Karl Liebknecht, 1920, woodcut. The Walter Landauer Collection of Käthe Kollwitz. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2023)

Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln Kollwitz, Uprising, 1899, line etching, drypoint, aquatint, brush etching, sand paper, some roulette, Kn 46 VI d. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2023)

Wikipedia, Plate 34: Por una navaja (For a clasp knife). A garroted priest grasps a crucifix in his hands. Pinned to his chest is a description of the crime for which he was killed—possession of a knife, Plate 4: Las mujeres dan valor (The women are courageous). A struggle between civilians and soldiers, Plate 62: Las camas de la muerte (The beds of death). A woman walks past dozens of wrapped bodies awaiting burial, Plate 59: De qué sirve una taza? (What good is a cup?). Two starving women lie on the ground, one near death while a third kneels by their side and offers a cup to the dying woman.. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2023)

Bensozia (2014) Käthe Kollwitz. Available at: (Accessed: 20 October 2023)

Wikipedia, Käthe Kollwitz, Fecht, Tom: Käthe Kollwitz: Works in Color, p. 6. Random House, Inc., 1988. Available at: (Accessed: 15 October 2023)

MacPhee J. (2010) All the Instruments Agree. Available at: (Accessed: 20 October 2023)

Caplow D. (2009) ‘Political Art and Printmaking: A Brief and Partial History’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 13.

Caplow D. (2009) ‘Political Art and Printmaking: A Brief and Partial History’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 15.

Ale Ric, (2020) People Practicing Social Distancing At Walmart Store,  Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Luis C. Tavera (2020) Person Wearing Personal Protective Equipment, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Gustavo Fring, (2020) Person In a Hazmat Suit Signaling a Car to Stop, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Yan Krukau, (2021) A Man Checking the Temperature of Students at a School, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Luis Quintero, (2020) Woman Wearing Black Face Mask While Praying, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

CityXcape (2020) Bus With Chains, Available at: (Accessed: 29 October 2023).

Xiao, (2020) 香港民众悼念李文亮医生(照片:美联社)Available at: (Accessed: 30 October 2023).

风云之声, (2020) 李文亮去世 Available at: (Accessed: 30 October 2023).

送别李文亮图片, 联合早报/新加坡版,(2020)中国网民今天上传照片,显示北京民众在雪地里写上“送别李文亮!”,悼念病逝的武汉市中心医院眼科医生李文亮。(“威力无穷的威叔”微博)Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

Vlada Karpovich (2021) A Woman Going Down VIa Escalator. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Anastasia Shuraeva (2020) Shadow of a Woman Going Down the Stairs, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

George Morina (2020) Video of Cars on the Road, Available at:  (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

晨星协会 (2020) 大陆网友发起“不能不明白”运动要求言论自由(Yaxue Cao推特)Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

PHAIDON, Inside Out, The nave, Pantheon, Paris, France, 2014, Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).   

Spirouart25 K. (2014) Photo © JR-ART.NET, Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).   

JR-Art (2010) The Wrinkles of the City, Shanghai, China, 2010, The Wrinkles of the City, Action in Shanghai, Shi Li, horizontal, China, 2010, Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).   

Itti L. (2011) Ai WeiWei – Fairytale People 2007, Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).   

Olam Musicali (2020) A Blurry Video of People Walking in an Airport Terminal, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Evgenij Mikhailov (2021) Rain Falling on Car Window, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Kmeel Stock (2021) Close Up Shot of a Brick Wall, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Matthias Groeneveld (2020) A Demolished Building With Graffiti On Walls, Available at: (Accessed: 30 October 2023).

PMA (2020) Raindrops on the Glass, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

李文亮医生微博 (2020)Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2022).

严玉洁, 中国日报网 (2020)2月7日,武汉中心医院后湖院区门诊楼门口,市民前来敬献花束。(陈亮 摄), 2月7日,武汉中心医院后湖院区门诊楼门口,市民前来敬献花束。(红星新闻 王效 摄), 2月7日,武汉中心医院后湖院区门诊楼门口,无法前来的市民委托外卖员献花。(供图), 2月7日,武汉中心医院后湖院区门诊楼门口,在一束花旁,市民留言“向阳而生,武汉会好起来”。(红星新闻 王效 摄)Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Gladstone R. (2020) Medical workers disinfecting people arriving at a hotel being used as an isolation facility in Wuhan last week.Credit…Chinatopix, via Associated Press, An isolation ward for SARS patients in Beijing in 2003.Credit…Federic J. Brown/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, China’s latest outbreak was caused by a new coronavirus. A nearly deserted street in Beijing on Sunday.Credit…Giulia Marchi for The New York Times, Medical staff preparing beds for coronavirus patients at a hospital in Wuhan.Credit…Chinatopix, via Associated Press. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Reuters (2021) FILE PHOTO: People line up to get their nucleic acid test following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Beijing, China January 22, 2021. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia RawlinsREUTERS Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

环球时报 新浪网 (2020) 武汉市中心医院后湖院区 摄影:杨诚, 2月6日晚,武汉市中心医院后湖院区 摄影:崔萌 Available at:  (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Triantafillou E. (2009) ‘All the Instruments Agree’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 83-89.

Ai W.W. (2018) ‘Borders’, in L. Warsh (ed.) Humanity. Princeton University Press, p. 38

Triantafillou E. (2009) ‘All the Instruments Agree’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 27-35.

Thompson N. (2016) ‘The Art of JR’, in C. Imizcoz (ed.) Can Art Change the World? Phaidon Press, p.39.

Buergel R. (2022) ‘Documenta 2007’, in H. W. Holzwarth (ed.) Ai Wei Wei. Taschen GmbH, p.315

ArtHouse Studio (2020) Tree Reflection Over Water, Available at:  (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

MART PRODUCTION (2021) A Woman Showing Mobile Phone Screen, Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Lisa Fotios (2020) Person Scrolling Using Her Mobile Phone, Available at:  (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Ricky Esquivel (2020) Person Scrolling Through Social Media, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

cottonbro studio (2020) Person Holding A Smartphone, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

cottonbro studio (2021) Woman Browsing on her Smartphone, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

cottonbro studio (2020) Free to Use, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

cottonbro studio (2020) People Scrolling on Social Media, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Theo Decker (2020) Close-Up View of a Person Using Cellphone, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Amina Filkins (2020) Close-Up View of Two Women Looking at a Smartphone, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

DMC Filmes (2020) Man Browsing Facebook on Mobile, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Özgür (2022) Blurred Motion of Night Ride, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).   

Bonus Studio (2020) Person Taking a Picture Using Her Smartphone, Available at:  (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Ketut Subiyanto (2020) Content woman taking photos on smartphone in car, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Brett Sayles (2019) Rainy Day, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Tom Fisk (2020) Trees Swaying in the Wind on a Stormy Day, Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Xiao MY., Qian I,, Liu T.W. and Buckley C. (2022) 时报查阅的李文亮病程记录写到,他的医疗团队在2020年2月6日晚上7点20分左右开始对他实施心肺复苏术, 一份2月6日晚9点10分左右的心脏彩超报告显示,当时李文亮“心脏运动消失”。Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

陳進安 (2023) 悼念李文亮医生 Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Cerretelli M. (2017) Craigie Horsfield – Enrique Sanz. Via Canova, Lugano – January 2017 – Dry print on paper for Arches watercolor, Craigie Horsfield Claudia Grandi. Via Canova, Lugano – January 2017 – Dry print on paper for Arches watercolor. Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2023).

Tsang K.W. (2015) The Infinite Nothing, Available at: (Accessed:  18 February 2023).

Envatoelements, Screen Printing Equipment Development Room Professional Industry Detail, Close Up Silkscreen, Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Envatoelements, Man Close Up Preparing T-shirt for Printing in the Silk Screen Printing Machine. Only Hands. Man, Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Nora P. (2012) ‘Realms of Memory’, in I. Farr (ed.) Memory: Documents of Contemporary Art. The MIT Press, p. 62 

Triantafillou E. (2009) ‘All the Instruments Agree’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 30.

Dyens O. (2012) ‘The Sadness of the Machine’, in I. Farr (ed.) Memory: Documents of Contemporary Art. The MIT Press, p. 78

Enwezor O. (2012) ‘Documents into Monuments: Archives as Meditations on Time’, in I. Farr (ed.) Memory: Documents of Contemporary Art. The MIT Press, p. 133-134

Morris R. (2012) ‘In Conversation with W.J.T. Michell’, in I. Farr (ed.) Memory: Documents of Contemporary Art. The MIT Press, p. 94

r/ArtPorn (2018) “Electric Chair” [1964] by Andy Warhol, Available at: (Accessed:  28 October 2023).

Yuna Shin (2020) Andy Warhol, Saturday Disaster 1964, photo: Phillips, Available at: (Accessed:  24 October 2023).

PHAIDON, Little Electric Chair (1964) by Andy Warhol, Four Electric Chairs (1964) by Andy Warhol. As reproduced in Body of Art, Available at: (Accessed:  24 October 2023).

Xennex, WikiArt (2012) Big electric chair, Available at: (Accessed:  24 October 2023).

Bulgarelli I. (2018) Andy Warhol, Big Electric Chair, Available at: (Accessed:  30 October 2023).

The Broad, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Available at: (Accessed:  30 October 2023).

Lowman J. (2011) Andy Warhol “Big Electric Chair,” 1967, silkscreen ink and synthetic polymer paint on canvas @ LACMA, Available at: (Accessed:  1 November 2023).

Wikipedia, Detail from top left panel showing heightened contrast and newsprint like quality, Race Riot, Available at: (Accessed:  24 October 2023).

TATE (2023) ‘represents death as absence and silence’. (Printz in Menil Collection 1989, p.17.) Available at: (Accessed:  24 Oct.2023).

Editor (2011) Ai Weiwei, Study of Perspective – Tiananmen, 1995-2010. C-print, 32,5 x 43,5 cm © Ai Weiwei, Available at:  (Accessed:  24 October 2023).

Kirby J. T. Lewis Hine’s photographs Available at: (Accessed:  28 Oct.2023).

Envatoelements, Textile Factory Equipment – Stencils with Patterns for Printing on Cloths and Paints, Man Prepare, Man Close Up Preparing T-shirt for Printing in the Silk Screen Printing Machine. Only Hands. Man, Available at: (Accessed:  28 October 2023).

Christie’s, Lewis Wickes Hine (1874–1940) Girl working in a Carolina cotton mill, 1908, Available at: (Accessed:  29 October 2023).

WikiArt, Steamfitter, Available at: (Accessed:  29 October 2023).

Stewart J. (2018) One of many youngsters working in Carolina cotton mills.’ 1908 (printed circa 1931) This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase, My Modern Met may earn an affiliate commission. Please read our disclosure for more info., ‘Italian steel worker,’ Pittsburgh. 1909 (printed circa 1931), ‘Tenement family,’ Chicago. 1910 (printed circa 1931), ‘Slavic immigrant at Ellis Island.’ 1907 (printed circa 1931), ‘Italian family on the ferry boat landing at Ellis Island.” 1905 (printed circa 1931), ‘Italian Family in the baggage room at Ellis Island.’ 1905 (printed circa 1931), ‘Climbing into America (Ellis Island Group).’ 1908, ‘Russian Family at Ellis Island.’ 1905 (printed circa 1931), ‘Mother and Child, Ellis Island (Italian Madonna).’ circa 1907 (printed 1931), ‘Patriarch at Ellis Island.’ 1905 (printed circa 1931), ‘Newsies,’ New York. 1906 (printed circa 1931), ‘Noon hour in East Side factory district,’ New York. 1912 (printed circa 1931). Available at: (Accessed:  29 October 2023).

Joseph Eulo (2020) Supporters Listening To A Speaker In A Black Lives Matter Rally, Available at: (Accessed:  28 October 2023).

Joseph Eulo (2020) People Protesting, Available at: (Accessed:  28 October 2023).

Joseph Eulo (2020) Crowd Repeating Words Behind the Leader at BLM Protest, Available at: (Accessed:  28 October 2023).

Williams S. He also did a piece at the site of the earthquake, Available at: (Accessed:  29 October 2023).

Mikhail Nilov (2021) Top View of Sea Waves, , Available at: (Accessed:  21 October 2023).

Clipstock, WOMAN SETTING SCREEN PRINTING PRESS ONTO BLANK PAPER ON WOODEN BLOCK, Available at: (Accessed:  26 October 2023).

Clipstock, WOMAN USING FILL BAR TO PUSH MAGENTA PAINT ONTO SCREEN PRINTED DESIGN, Available at: (Accessed:  26 October 2023).

Envatoelements, Man Close Up Preparing T-shirt for Printing in the Silk Screen Printing Machine. Only Hands. Man, Available at: (Accessed:  26 October 2023).

TATE (2023) ‘represents death as absence and silence’. (Printz in Menil Collection 1989, p.17.) Available at: (Accessed:  24 October 2023).

Thompson N. (2016) ‘The Art of JR’, in C. Imizcoz (ed.) Can Art Change the World? Phaidon Press, p. 38

Franklin S. (2016), ‘The Documentary Impulse’, Phaidon Press, p. 89

Franklin S. (2016), ‘The Documentary Impulse’, Phaidon Press, p. 126

Caplow D. (2009) ‘Political Art and Printmaking: A Brief and Partial History’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 13-14.

Triantafillou E. (2009) ‘All the Instruments Agree’, in J. Macphee (ed.) Paper Politics: Socially Engaged Printmaking Today. PM Press, p. 99.

Reuters, (2022) People gather for a vigil and hold white sheets of paper in protest of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions, as they commemorate the victims of a fire in Urumqi, as outbreaks of the coronavirus disease continue in Beijing, China, November 27, 2022. REUTERS/Thomas Peter, Police officers stand guard as people protest coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions and hold a vigil to commemorate the victims of a fire in Urumqi, as outbreaks of the coronavirus disease continue, in Beijing, China, November 27, 2022. REUTERS/Thomas Peter, A person holds a candle, as people gather for a vigil and hold white sheets of paper in protest of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions, during a commemoration of the victims of a fire in Urumqi, as outbreaks of the coronavirus disease continue in Beijing, China, November 27, 2022. REUTERS/Thomas Peter. Available at: (Accessed:  28 October 2023).

Shahzad Reaction (2020) People With Shadows While Walking In Slow Motion On Pavement, Available at: (Accessed:  31 October 2023).

George Morina (2020) Musician Are Performing On The Street Of A Chinatown In London, Available at: (Accessed:  31 October 2023).

Clipstock, MAN SETTING DOWN SCREEN – SLOW MOTION, Available at: (Accessed:  26 October 2023).

Clipstock, TILT UP OF SCREEN CANVASES AND PASTE, Available at: (Accessed:  26 October 2023).

About the author

With long-term educational and working experience in graphic design, Cheryl Chen decided to engage in research and practice in the area of printmaking. She studied MA Fine Art: Printmaking at Camberwell from 2022 to 2023. She was fascinated by the aesthetic of printmaking prints with varied techniques during her time in art school. Moreover, she wants to explore more about what position that printmaking occupied in the context of contemporary art. As an intrinsic responsibility of an artist, Cheryl’s attention on social and political subjects remained steadfast despite the changing times. Her artmaking gears towards raising awareness on occurrences and events in order to prevent historical amnesia. 

Find out more: / C•SPACE (@zumispace) • Instagram photos and videos